
Returning, as I am, to Jersey in the next few days for both a RJ solo and a RJ Relay, I’ve been putting finishing touches to the mental aspect of my challenges. I first met Sally in September 2014 on St. Aubin’s beach in Jersey after a 5km open water race, not long after my father told me he never wanted to see or speak to me again and, more hurtfully, that he wanted nothing to do with our two boys (now young men). I knew of the Jersey legend of EC swimming, saw her on the beach, walked up to Sal and asked her, ‘can you get me round Jersey?’ She said, ‘sure’ so I decided to turn a powerful negative emotion into a positive one by deciding, there and then, that I would swim around my father (who still lives on Jersey).

I attended the first of four successive swim camps the next May (2015) and so began a series of life-affirming experiences centred on swimming in the stunning waters that surround Jersey. Sal’s motto, ‘a bay a day’ rings true as the programme endeavours (within the limitations of the massive tides) to give swimmers a varied experience from glorious sandy beaches around the south and west, through picturesque harbours along the north coast that provide access to cliffs and hidden coves and caves and the deep water of St Catherine’s in the east where most qualifier swims of up to 6 hours are done (for those wishing so to do).

The camps are about much more than just swimming and, over the years, I have had the privilege to swim with inspirational people, whether it be Help for Heroes amputees training for an ‘Arch to Arc’, EC swimmers or those new to open water swimming. The camps never feel too large, the atmosphere is always conducive to sharing stories and experiences, and I know that I have gained a lot of knowledge in the process. I think, too, that everybody departs having gained in some way, whether it be open water technique, confidence in the water or just happy memories.

Lastly, Sal’s camps always include a healthy dose of socialising centered on charming, sometimes quirky, cafes (such as the Hungry Man and Mad Mary’s) visited after swims, evening dining at memorable locations (such as El Tico’s, watching the sun go down over St. Ouen’s bay) and special trips (e.g. to France for dinner or to the Minquiers by rib when, more often than not, you will see dolphins right up close).

Sally and fellow campers, I’d like to thank you all for those shared experiences as they will stand me in good stead when I swim around my father.

Jon M

My daughter has been swimming with Sal now for 4 years, she has gone from strength to strength, she has always loved the water, but never to the extent she does now! She was introduced to sea swimming by Sal a year later and since then is determined to swim the Island, the Channel and Jersey to France following in her idols footsteps!!! She has been nurtured, loved and supported 100% by Sal and for that I will always be very grateful! Thank you

Ocean Brown

Sally taught me to swim at swim right when I was very young. For me learning to swim properly from a young age has enabled me to have the most priviliaged youth growing up on the beaches and in the Sea of Jersey. She installed in me such confidence in the Sea both underwater and swimming that I would look at other children, who were scared and unable to swim at think how on earth this was possible and how much less fun they could have playing in the waves and even just in a swimming pool. I thank my lucky stars she taught me to swim and love the water as I now make my living on it and under it !

Thank you so much Sally

Leo Scholefield

Sally runs a fantastic swim camp. The structure is clear and the focus is strong but there’s also a fun element. Sally uses the different bays around Jersey so there’s always a different view and each bay offers different challenges. Whether you’re training for the Channel, a triathlon or just enjoy open water swimming, Sal’s swim camp should be on your list, you’ll learn so much and have a fab time!

KC Fitness

Over 24 years ago I was introduced to Aquanatal and Post Aquanatal through Sally Minty-Gravett. This then lead me to doing Aquafit which I still enjoy today – being my favourite sport to keep fit.

Katrina R

Sally has such a passion for swimming and for enabling all abilities to share her love.

Both my children flew under her guidance. She sets clear boundaries, knows what the children’s individual needs are and helps them to quickly make progress and achieve their best.

I was thrilled with how quickly my children moved forward with their swimming and living on an island the skill of swimming is a vital one.
Sally has a real gift for teaching swimming and I have no hesitations in recommending her to anyone in need of an excellent teacher.

Rebecca R

My three boys over the past 24 years have been very lucky to have had Sally Minty-Gravett teaching them to swim from the age of four months through parent & babes, toddler and children’s swimming lessons and even Jersey Long Distance Swimming Club – as a result they are happy, strong confident swimmers.

Katrina R

Wow what a lady… I first had the great pleasure of meeting Sally almost 30 years ago!

Sally actually taught me to swim freestyle so that I could enter my first Triathlon (in my mid 20s), working with me tirelessly & encouraging me that I could do it.

With Sally’s drive, vast knowledge and amazing teaching skills, I went on to represent Jersey in the Island Games.

Five years later I was still attending her early morning swim sessions and also Aqua aerobics, with ‘bump number one’ under her watchful eye and providing great advice on what to do and not to do, trusting Sally implicitly, so much so that I think baby number one felt so comfortable he nearly arrived in the pool ☺

Sally then went on to teach both my children to swim and she certainly had a task on her hands with one stubborn child that wanted to do their own thing, but with understanding, gentle persuasion and guided rules, they were both swimming like fish in a safe manner in no time at all.

I can comfortably and highly recommend Sally as a swimming and aqua aerobics Instructor for persons of ALL ages, she is definitely the ‘go to’ person!

Sue Greig

I never remember not being able to swim and always loved the water; however after major back surgery all my confidence vanished. Sal literally breathed new life into my world!
She got me into the pool for the first lessons I had in my life at the ripe age of 43!
She gently persuaded me that I wasn’t going to break or drown!
Sal has literally changed my life and given me the inner strength to reconnect with my body, with water and feeling that I can do it!
She is a massive supportive inspiration in all areas of my life!
Thanks Sal, you really are my mermaid queen!

Gemma R

Sally first taught my son from the age of 2.and half. Although he was confident in water, at that stage didn’t have any idea of how to swim. 9 months later he was swimming without armbands. He went from strength to strength until age 10 decided 2000 meters was enough.

These 8 years had given him the strength, technique and a passion for the water in particular lifesaving, which enabled him to compete nationally and internationally.

14 years after his first lesson with Sally, he is now a lifeguard at the same place he started his lessons.

I believe without the Sally’s enthusiasm, he would not have found a hobby he still enjoys and which hopefully will lead him to a lifelong love of swimming

Linda Le Geyt