Wow what a lady… I first had the great pleasure of meeting Sally almost 30 years ago!
Sally actually taught me to swim freestyle so that I could enter my first Triathlon (in my mid 20s), working with me tirelessly & encouraging me that I could do it.
With Sally’s drive, vast knowledge and amazing teaching skills, I went on to represent Jersey in the Island Games.
Five years later I was still attending her early morning swim sessions and also Aqua aerobics, with ‘bump number one’ under her watchful eye and providing great advice on what to do and not to do, trusting Sally implicitly, so much so that I think baby number one felt so comfortable he nearly arrived in the pool ☺
Sally then went on to teach both my children to swim and she certainly had a task on her hands with one stubborn child that wanted to do their own thing, but with understanding, gentle persuasion and guided rules, they were both swimming like fish in a safe manner in no time at all.
I can comfortably and highly recommend Sally as a swimming and aqua aerobics Instructor for persons of ALL ages, she is definitely the ‘go to’ person!
Sue Greig